New Paper Accepted

The paper “Inhibition of protein SUMOylation by davidiin, an ellagitannin from Davidia involucrata” was published in the Journal of Antibiotics. The first author of the paper is Misao Takemoto (formerly Yoneyama), a former student of our lab who completed the PhD program. This paper has screened a natural product library to identify novel small molecule […]

New Paper Accepted

The paper “DSIF and NELF interact with Integrator to specify the correct post-transcriptional fate of snRNA genes” has been published in Nature Communications (Nature’s sister journal). The first author of the paper is Junichi Yamamoto, a post-doctoral researcher in our lab. The discovery of the mechanism by which NELF directly interacts with RNA polymerase II,

Gene symbols for NELF subunits

More than a year ago, I received an email from the international committee that determines human gene symbols. Each NELF subunit has unrelated gene symbols that look nonsensical to an outsider, such as WHSC2, COBRA, TH1L, and RDBP. The email asked the researchers involved if it was acceptable to rename them. Since then, the gene

2014 Lab Trip

On September 24-25, 2014, we went on our annual lab trip.

Transcription Cycle Seminar Held

With support from the KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Transcription Cycle,” we are pleased to invite Professor Cheng-Ming Chiang (UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) to our university to hold a seminar on Friday, December 6 from 16:30 to 18:00 at B2 Building 226 Lecture Room The seminar was entitled “Epigenetic Control

Congratulatory Party for Professor Yamaguchi’s Inauguration

In commemoration of Professor Yamaguchi’s promotion to Professor Handa’s successor as of July 1, a celebration was held on Saturday, November 23. More than 100 people, mostly alumni of the laboratory, attended the event. On the same day, a commemorative lecture was held at 12:30 p.m. in the Royal Blue Hall of Tokyo Tech’s Kuramae

Outreach Activity

On November 9, Professor Yamaguchi gave an outreach lecture to first and second graders at Seibi Gakuen High School.

2013 Lab Trip

On September 20-21, 2013, we went on our annual lab trip.

New Paper Accepted

PhD student Vipul Gupta’s paper “Salicylic acid induces mitochondrial injury by inhibiting ferrochelatase heme biosynthesis activity was accepted for publication in Molecular Pharmacology and is posted on the website as a preliminary electronic version. In this paper, we discovered a new intracellular target protein of salicylic acid (acetylsalicylic acid = precursor of aspirin), an antipyretic

Greetings from PI

Today, July 1, 2013, I have been appointed as Professor in the Department of Biological Information, the Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology. This is a promotion from the position of Associate Professor in the same department. I have no doubt in my mind that all of this is not entirely

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